Friday, May 31, 2013

Everyday Code in Every Day!

"Today is yesterday's tomorrow" filled with code.

Welcome back my friends... This post today is dealing with the fourth challenge on the P2PU network. I have to say that I really enjoyed this challenge, and found it to be a "breath of fresh air" in dealing with a task.

The first part of this task was a bit monotonous, but that's primarily my own fault. The first part of the task requires that we look-up a series of tags, and figure out their individual definitions. I took it a step further... I wrote out every tag, and their respective definitions, below you will find a complete list of the tags we had to look-up. If you're AWESOME, you'll look them up too if you don't already know them! ;-)

The challenge of Tag-Look-up:

  • <div>
  • <blockquote>
  • <p>
  • <ol>
  • <ul>
  • <li>
  • <nav>
  • <menu>
  • <span>
  • <time>
  • <q>
  • <img>

Check-out this super-awesome time eating Journal entry for the above tags

Now... On to the part of this challenge that I found to be "creative", and entertaining. The second part of this challenge was to find something that could be a representation of each tag above, and then take a picture of it. Below are the pictures, and my reasoning as to why each picture could be a "real-world" representation of how to use the above tags.

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." - Einstein

  1. <div>
  2. I took a picture of my coffee mug because I could see the diamond boarder being a representation of how the tag <div> could be used.

  3. <blockquote>
  4. You'll have to forgive this photo... I think it still represents a block-quote, but it's not the most "original" of pictures in this list. Here is a snippet from one of my "PCWorld" magazine.

  5. <p>
  6. I picked this next picture because of the individualized instructions on the back of my coffee-press. I can see how this could be a representation of <p>.

  7. <ol>
  8. I felt that these pictures showed an excellent representation of the different ways a <ol> tag could be used. I chose these because of the Ordered list of 1 - Whatever, both represented by numerical and Roman numeral.

  9. <ul>
  10. This cast-iron tea cup on top of my fridge worked out perfectly (In my not-so-humble opinion -- lol) for the representation of <ul>. Notice the "bullet" like texture?

  11. <li>
  12. I found that this little grate located on the wall made an excellent concept for a list-interval.

  13. <nav>
  14. Here is a bit of an abstract take on the <nav> tag... I think this is an accurate representation because it shows one part of the guitar being connected to another part of the guitar by the strings. The <nav> tag represents two points being connected whether it be at a different location or on the same page.

  15. <menu>
  16. The map of "America" is another abstract take on something, the <menu> tag. This representation depicts an unordered list of cities inside of states. The idea of a menu is something that portrays value within something else. I feel this is an accurate representation for that very reason. There is something of value in each one of these listed locations.

  17. <span>
  18. I chose to represent this tag in a number of ways... First, I'm sure by now you've noticed the alternation of red and white... I've used that to represent a form of <span>, and <div>. Second, the picture below shows two forms of <span>, my dog's (Dutch) fantastic coat, and the multicolored mat underneath him -- Pretty cool huh?.

  19. <time>
  20. Father time has an interesting way of showing his ugly head... For me it's usually in the form of another "Ohh Crap" moment... You know, when you stay up a little too late, and you've got to be to work in two hours.. Yikes! I chose to represent the <time> tag by displaying a picture of my microwave time at 3:26am. Luckily I don't have to work today! Whew..

  21. <q>
  22. I thought this was a perfectly clever representation of the quotation tag.. If you notice, the background pictures in this graphic are cited by the bright red lettering of "London".

  23. <img>
  24. Every since I was little I've always been fascinated with planes. That's why I chose this picture from my hallway as my <img> tag representation... I think this is pretty explanatory, but if not... an <img> tag represents a picture, and here is a picture!

I know, my mind works a little weird, but I hope that I've explained things in a way that makes sense, and you can see how I would come to the conclusions that I did. Let me know what ya'll think!

*Note-All images are original works, and were not copied from anywhere. I took the time to take every picture, and edit the picture... You should too!


-- Red Squall

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